Scotian 2 da bone apparel was created by Ivory Lopez Simmonds. A hardworking student From Humber College whos business has taken off making her a full time entrepreneur. Putting her heart and soul into each outfit. Ivory’s creativity and uniqueness has expanded her brand to become a household name down home and away in Ontario.
The 902 represents East Preston, nova scotia where Ivory was born and raised. The 416 represents Brampton, Ontario where Ivory also spent a lot of her life. The bones symbolise “a bond that’s hard to break”. Creating a bond and bringing together the two places that mean the world to her and many other people from down home. Stay solid and true to who you are and never forget where you come from.
Ivory has a unique style in her vibrant color track suits, high quality also made with lots of love in all of the material she provides in her suits.
You can find Scotian 2 da bone on Instagram, and facebook @scotian2dabone
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